Chilean statesman to be next OAS leader

Chilean Interior Minister Jose Miguel Insulza will be the new head of the Organization of the American States after nations in…

Chilean Interior Minister Jose Miguel Insulza will be the new head of the Organization of the American States after nations in the region struck a deal to end divisive campaigning for the post.

Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Ernesto Derbez, who had been deadlocked with Insulza in the competition to lead the Western Hemisphere's top diplomatic body, backed out of the race today in an agreement hammered out between foreign ministers in Chile and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

In a joint press conference with Ms Rice and Mr Derbez to announce his victory, Mr Insulza made pointed statements about promoting democracy and human rights in Cuba, which is not a member of the OAS.

He also said "elected governments that do not govern democratically should be held accountable by the OAS," which US officials said was directed at leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.


Relations between Venezuela and Washington have grown increasingly tense. Mr Chavez has accused the United States of trying to topple him. US officials call Chavez an anti-US trouble-maker and worry about his friendship with Cuba and arms deals with countries like Russia.