Chinese man sent back to Britain

A Chinese national was ordered to be returned to England and handed over to the British immigration authorities at Limerick City…

A Chinese national was ordered to be returned to England and handed over to the British immigration authorities at Limerick City Court yesterday.

Det Garda Martin Nally said he had made arrangements to have the man on the 1.30 p.m. flight from Shannon to Heathrow Airport and that he would be accompanying him. Judge Michael Reilly adjourned the case generally, with liberty to re-enter.

Mr Chan Kwok Wah (31) appeared in court on Thursday along with two other Chinese after they were arrested in Limerick on September 3rd under the Aliens Act 1935. They were charged with failing to produce a current passport or national document of identity, entering the State without a current visa and failing to register under the Aliens Act. All three pleaded guilty and had asked to be returned to England. The case against the other two men, Mr Lee Tin Xing (26) and Mr Ko Kit (33), was adjourned until Thursday to allow their application for a return to England to be processed. The court had heard that the authorities would accept Mr Chan Kwok Wah back into Britain.