Clarion calls

Staying with the theme of visitors from abroad, Navanman made an unscheduled visit to Dublin 4 on Monday evening

Staying with the theme of visitors from abroad, Navanman made an unscheduled visit to Dublin 4 on Monday evening. Clarion Stephen's Hall Hotel in Lower Leeson Street opened its doors to show off its newly-refurbished suites, and Today FM's rising star availed of the opportunity pick up some much-needed social skills.

Those under observation included: solicitor Barry Lyons and event management organiser Sonia Reynolds, who are getting married on June 19th; D'Side magazine's designer, Ronan Devlin, who has just completed work for Mark Kavanagh's Clubmix CD and stylist Sonya Lennon who has been restyling the Irish Chamber Orchestra. The art on the walls of the new suites was greatly admired by all, to the delight of 24-year-old artist Leah Beggs, who had won the hotel's competition to find work to adorn the new suites. Looking on with interest were hoteliers Mary Madden of the Fitzwilliam Hotel, Patsey Asple of the Bewley's Hotel Group and Gerry Houlihan, who is courageously ending Clontarf Castle's days as a cabaret venue and turning it into a hotel.