Coalition announces plan to ease Fallujah blockade

Fallujah's civic leaders joined American officials today and called on fighters in the besieged Sunni Triangle city to turn in…

Fallujah's civic leaders joined American officials today and called on fighters in the besieged Sunni Triangle city to turn in their weapons.

In return the US-led coalition has agreed to shorten the curfew and allow unfettered humanitarian access to the people of Falluja as part of a plan to end the military stand-off in Falluja.

But the coalition also wants all heavy weapons held by Sunni militants surrendered, said spokesman Mr Dan Senor.

The US military committed not to resume its offensive in the Iraqi city if the arms surrender takes place, a spokesman said.


The commitments came in the first concrete statement to come out of direct negotiations between American officials and a group of civic leaders and professions representing Fallujah's residents.

The joint statement also outlines promises to improve the humanitarian situation in Fallujah and try to take the first steps to restore control by Iraqi security forces, said Mr Senor.

In the statement, all parties "call on citizens and groups to turn in all illegal weapons," Mr Senor said.

"The parties agreed that coalition forces do not intend to resume offensive operations if all persons inside the city turn on the heavy weapons," Mr Senor said. "Individual violators will be dealt with on individual basis."

The Fallujah representatives are believed to have influence with Sunni insurgents in the city.

US Maj Gen Mark Kimmitt warned that marines are prepared to attack and take the city quickly if the deal falls apart.