Cocaine found hidden in chocolate Kinder egg

Man in court after bags of cocaine with street value of €600 seized in Limerick

Limerick District Court heard gardaí found a total of 10 bags of cocaine with an estimated street value of ¤603 when they searched a man’s home. Photograph: Getty Images

A man arrested after three bags of cocaine were found hidden in a chocolate Kinder egg has appeared in court in Limerick.

Andrew Colbert (32), Sarsfield Place, Edward Street, Limerick, was arrested after gardaí searched his home.

He appeared before Limerick District Court today where he was charged with possession of cocaine for sale or supply on March 5th, 2012, contrary to Section 15 of the Misuse of Drugs Act.

He was also charged with possession of cocaine on the same date contrary to Section 3 of the Misuse of Drugs Act.


Limerick District Court heard gardaí found a total of 10 bags of cocaine with an estimated street value of €603 when they searched his home at 9.20pm.

Outlining the allegations, Insp Brendan McDonagh said three of the bags were found in a kinder egg.

It is alleged seven other bags of cocaine were found hidden in the back casing of a computer.

It is further alleged that two tick lists, resealable bags and a weighing scale was also found.

Garda Declan Michael O’Halloran gave evidence of arresting and formally charging Mr Colbert.

Judge Aeneas McCarthy was toldMr Colbert made no reply to the charge.

After hearing an outline of the allegations, Judge McCarthy accepted jurisdiction in the case and remanded Mr Colbert on bail until April 23rd next when he is due to appear before the same court again.

Solicitor Tom Kiely was assigned to represent the 32-year-old who was granted free legal aid.