Coe supports Euro ban on Chambers

Athletics: London 2012 Olympics organising committee chairman Sebastian Coe has supported a ban by European promoters on British…

Athletics:London 2012 Olympics organising committee chairman Sebastian Coe has supported a ban by European promoters on British sprinter Dwain Chambers.

Euromeetings Group president Rajne Soderberg, who represents 46 promoters, has confirmed that Chambers will not be welcome at any of their meetings after serving a two-year doping ban.

"If you are a European meet promoter you are a commercial animal, you are putting on track meets and you are responding to the gut instincts of the audiences that you are bringing in," Coe told BBC radio on Sunday.

"Rajne Soderburg understands the anxieties that there is amongst the crowd that what they are watching is legitimate.


"The risk we run here is that we don't have these kind of debates. I think it is perfectly reasonable for independent meet promoters in our large European meets and meets elsewhere around the world to take a tough line."

Coe, a twice Olympic 1,500 metres champion, is also a vice-president of the International Association of Athletics Federations which has been lobbying the World Anti-Doping Agency since 2005 to double the minimum ban for a serious doping offence to four years.

"I want to have the standard of four because I don't think two years is enough, a big enough deterrent," Coe said.

"It needs to be proportionate to the damage that is being done to the sport."

Meanwhile, double world sprint champion Tyson Gay of the United States told the BBC he was not opposed to racing against Chambers.

"I would treat him just like any of my other competitors," he said.

"I'm not going to treat him any different or have any hatred towards him."