Collecting from pubs, churches and court

Kerry: Red Cross collections outside stores and collections in churches were part of weekend fund-raising efforts for the tsunami…

Kerry: Red Cross collections outside stores and collections in churches were part of weekend fund-raising efforts for the tsunami victims.

Events ranged from town centre and church collections by all denominations, to the sale of goods confiscated by gardaí, community talent shows and a large donation by the co-owner of one of Kerry's largest companies.

Apart from special events to raise money for south Asia, annual fund-raisers for clubs and societies have also been diverted in part or in total to agencies dealing with the disaster.

Some of the events have involved efforts by workers as well as societies. Taxi drivers in Kerry Cabs in Tralee donated their Friday night takings. An afternoon collection for Trócaire on Thursday in Tralee's new town square was supported generously. People formed a human chain and there was a candle lighting ceremony and a minute's silence for the victims.


In Killarney, the Kerry branch of the St Vincent de Paul raised over €25,000 for the Trócaire Asian Appeal at a church gate collection and from its own resources.

In Killarney District Court last week, Judge Terence Finn ordered that a €350 camcorder, purchased with a stolen credit card and confiscated by gardaí, be sold to raise funds for the victims of the tsunami in Asia.

Several bars have also organised collections. At Castle Bar in Tralee traditional seasonal free drinks for patrons were instead converted into a donation to a relief fund. Vintners in Killarney donated almost €30,000.Many credit unions have opened accounts where donations can be made. In small towns and villages large amounts of money have also been raised.

Half of the €4,000 raided by Mainebank FC soccer in club in Castlemaine in its annual fundraiser will now be sent to the Irish Red Cross.

The Bishop of Kerry, Dr Bill Murphy, said the best thing was to be with the people of tsunami disaster in spirit, to empathise with them, to sympathise with them and to do whatever could be done for them.