Comedian released after questioning

The television comedian Michael Barrymore and two other men were last night released without charge on police bail after being…

The television comedian Michael Barrymore and two other men were last night released without charge on police bail after being questioned following the death of a 31-yearold meat factory worker who was found unconscious in a swimming pool at the star's home.

Barrymore (49) of Roydon, Herts, was arrested earlier yesterday on suspicion of committing a variety of drugs offences.

The two other men - one 31 and from Blackpool, Lancashire, the other 26 and from Harlow, Essex - were arrested on suspicion of murdering Stuart Lubbock.

All three men spent the day at Harlow police station being interviewed by detectives investigating Mr Lubbock's death.


Detective Superintendent Ian McNeill, who is leading the investigation, last night said all three men had been released without charge on police bail pending further inquiries.

He said all three were scheduled to return to Harlow police station on August 15th.

Mr Lubbock died on March 31st, shortly after being found unconscious in a swimming pool at Barrymore's home. Police said post-mortem tests showed that he had drowned.

The arrests were made early yesterday after police received the result of toxicological tests on Mr Lubbock's body. Police named none of the arrested men formally.

Barrymore was seen arriving at Harlow police station with detectives shortly before 9 a.m. and sources privately confirmed his identity.

The entertainer was arrested on suspicion of possession of class A and class B drugs, on suspicion of supplying class B drugs and on suspicion of allowing his premises to be used for the supply of drugs.

He and the other two men were held at the police station for more than 12 hours.

Barrymore's solicitor emerged from the police station to say that the entertainer was "putting on a brave face". Barrymore's shows include Kids Say the Funniest Things and My Kind of People.