Computer expert to aid Curtin investigation

An international computer expert will aid an Oireachtas Committee investigating allegations Judge Brian Curtin was in possession…

An international computer expert will aid an Oireachtas Committee investigating allegations Judge Brian Curtin was in possession of child pornography, it was confirmed today.

After a lengthy legal battle, the Circuit Court judge's advisors have contacted the All-Party Oireachtas Committee by letter to consent to the handover of the computer.

Judge Brian Curtin
Judge Brian Curtin

Chairman of the Oireachtas committee, Denis O'Donovan, said: "Someone of international repute, a computer expert will be brought in to examine it. I imagine Judge Curtin will want to engage someone to oversee the procedure."

He confirmed: "We have received the letter. It is a positive development insofar as it is a voluntary engagement by his legal team.


"There was an outstanding order in December 2004 to obtain the computer and the hard drive. We will endeavour to get all the materials gardai were holding."

Judge Curtin's legal team has also sought assurances about the security of the computer and the conditions in which it has been kept since it was seized from his home in May 2002.

The Cork South West TD said: "If that is an issue for him we can get confirmation from gardaí."

The chairman said senior members of the gardaí could be called before the committee to reassure the judge as to the safe-keeping of the materials.

"We wrote to gardaí in June 2004 to do nothing with the computer and keep it in safe keeping until we had further information," he said.

The committee, which was set up in May, 2004, was halted six months later, when Judge Curtin challenged an order to produce his computer and its software.

Last week, the Supreme Court cleared the way for the parliamentary committee to investigate the alleged actions of the judge.

The Circuit Court judge was acquitted of charges of possessing child pornography in 2004 after the warrant used to search his house was found to have been out of date.

He had challenged the constitutionality of the Oireachtas committee which was set up to investigate his behaviour in the wake of the verdict.

Chief Justice John L Murray said he was satisfied that the committee would be able to accord the judge his full rights to justice and fair procedures.

Earlier today it was reported that Judge Curtin had contacted the Oireachtais committee investigating allegations that he had child pornography on a computer in his possession.

In a letter sent to the committee last night Judge Curtin consented to handing over the computer in question but sought a number of assurances, according to the reports.

It is understood Judge Curtin wants assurances that the computer has been stored securely since it was seized from his home in May, 2002.