Computer held data on 700, court told

The names of 700 republicans were found on computer equipment seized at the home of a Co Antrim man, the High Court in Belfast…

The names of 700 republicans were found on computer equipment seized at the home of a Co Antrim man, the High Court in Belfast heard today.

The individuals' addresses and vehicle registration numbers were also recorded, a Crown lawyer said.

She was opposing a bail application by Mr Shaun Alexander Leighton (34), of Mosside Gardens, Ballymoney, who is accused of possessing computer records containing information which could be useful to terrorists.

The lawyer said a floppy disk examined by the RUC's computer crime team was entitled "Intelligence FP3" and was protected by a password.


But police managed to access the information and found a list of 64 names of people described by the lawyer as being of a "republican outlook".

Alongside some of the names were phrases like "PIRA O/C Bellaghy", "Possible O/C Londonderry", and "South Derry quartermaster."

The file was created on May 2nd 1998 and was last opened on February 22nd 2001, said the lawyer.

She said a further examination of the computer revealed over 700 names of alleged convicted terrorists in alphabetical order along with personal details, including their addresses.

The lawyer added: "Bail is strongly opposed as the applicant is considered to be highly competent in the use of computers.Police believe that if he was released he would continue to recording this type of information which would jeopardise the political situation."

Defence barrister Mr Jim Allister said Mr Leighton was denying possession of the information. He said the floppy disc had been left in his home by a computer repairer and he did not have the means to access the other information found on his computer.

Bail was refused by Mr Justice Higgins who said he believed there was a substantial risk of further offences if Mr Leighton was released.