Concern at rise in road deaths

CONCERN AT a recent increase in the number of people being killed on the roads, after several years of progress in reducing fatalities…

CONCERN AT a recent increase in the number of people being killed on the roads, after several years of progress in reducing fatalities, has been expressed by the Road Safety Authority.

The rate of fatalities on the roads has risen significantly in recent months, interrupting an overall trend of declining fatalities going back to 2006.

The deaths have led to anxiety among those concerned with road safety that a significant drop in the number of Garda checkpoints may be linked to the rising death toll.

In January 15 people lost their lives compared with 40 in January 2006. In February this year the number killed was 14, a 10-year record low for the month. In March another 10-year record low was set when the number killed on the roads during that month fell to 12. Overall some 57 people lost their lives on the Republic’s roads in the first three months of this year, compared with 98 in 2006. This mirrored the trend for full years with a record low of 242 deaths in 2009, compared to 365 in 2006.


The decline stopped in April of this year when 21 people lost their lives, the same number as April 2009. In May 28 people were killed, just one fewer than in May 2009.

The Road Safety Authority said it was viewing the figures with concern. While spokesman Brian Farrell said any analysis of short-term trends “has to come with a government health warning” he added “you can look with concern at the way the figures are going”.

Of those killed so far this year 23 have been pedestrians, 48 have been drivers, and six have been motorcyclists. Some 19-car passengers and one motorbike pillion passenger were killed.

While summertime frequently sees a rise in the numbers of fatalities and serious injuries, Labour Party spokesman on transport Tommy Broughan said he was concerned that drivers may be reverting to bad habits in line with cuts in spending on policing.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist