Bank of Ireland payments sent but some wages not yet received

Bank says technical glitch fixed and customers should check accounts through morning

Bank of Ireland has said all delayed payments were sent overnight . Photographer: Frantzesco Kangaris/Bloomberg

Bank of Ireland has said all delayed payments were sent overnight but some employees have this morning reporting still not receiving wages into their accounts.

It follows a technical glitch yesterday which meant tens of thousands of public and private sector employees were not paid their salaries and wages.

“Bank of Ireland can this morning confirm that all payments which were due to be made yesterday have been sent to customer accounts overnight,” the bank said in a statement.

A bank spokesman advised anyone not seeing the money in their account to check their bank accounts through the morning for updates.


“If any customer has not seen the expected payment reaching their account they are asked to check their account for updates throughout the morning, and to contact their bank if they continue to experience any issue,” the bank said in a statement.

Some customers contacted the bank on Twitter this morning to report the continue delay, with one customer saying the payment had come through by 9.30am. However other customers have reported receiving the delayed wages into their bank accounts first thing this morning.

The bank apologised for the delay and siad it will ensure that “no customers will be out of pocket in relation to any resultant fees or charges from this incident”.

Bank chief executive Richie Boucher said the incident was "isolated" and had been fixed. "What happened yesterday shouldn't have happened. We must really apologise to our customers. Today what the customers need to hear is the issue was isolated, it's been fixed. The payments that were due yesterday have been made today," he told RTÉ Radio.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times