Wicklow couple win €250k after retrieving Lotto ticket from bin

Winning ticket was sold at Centra in Roundwood, Co Wicklow at the weekend

A Wicklow couple who retrieved their tea-bag stained Lotto ticket from the kitchen bin won €250,000 in the weeken’s lotto draw. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

A Wicklow couple who retrieved their tea-bag stained Lotto ticket from the kitchen bin won €250,000 at the weekend in Saturday's Lotto Plus 2 draw.

The couple, who wish to remain anonymous, explained how they emptied the kitchen bin in an attempt to check their lotto numbers after hearing the winning ticket had been sold in the local town of Roundwood.

“We knew that we had a couple of numbers in one of the draws so there was a niggling doubt about the ticket,” said one of the winners.

“I got a print out of the results from the newsagent and when I got home, I emptied the bin in the kitchen and found the ticket under all the rubbish from the past two days. We could not believe our luck when the numbers matched up.”


“I suppose we were so focused on the larger Lotto jackpot that we didn’t check our tickets properly. It was the following Monday when I heard that a €250,000 winning ticket was sold in the town.”

The couple said they plan to throw a party for friends and family to celebrate the win. The winning Normal Play ticket was sold at Centra in Roundwood, Co Wicklow on the day of the draw.

Tuesday’s Lotto jackpot is an estimated €20 million.

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak is an Irish Times reporter and cohost of the In the News podcast