Continuity IRA funding ban urged by UUP

The British government was today urged to take the US lead in announcing a ban on funding of the Continuity IRA.

The British government was today urged to take the US lead in announcing a ban on funding of the Continuity IRA.

Ulster Unionist the Rev Martin Smith, in House of Commons exchanges on coming parliamentary business, said people in Northern Ireland, and particularly Omagh, were "concerned" by "mixed messages" on terrorism.

"American authorities have put a ban on the funding of the Continuity IRA," he said. "Is it not near time that in this House the minister responsible for home affairs could come forward and say we have listed them also, bearing in mind that the legislation that was brought in after Omagh has not yet brought, in Northern Ireland, anyone before the courts and the continuity continues."

The House of Commons leader Mr Robin Cook said security services would continue to "vigorously pursue" anybody engaged in terrorist activities, whether they be in the Real IRA or not.


He said: "I do not think there's anybody in Northern Ireland or anyone else in this Government or indeed in this House who does not regret that there have not been people brought to court for the result of the Omagh atrocity."

Mr Cook told MPs "the Real IRA or anybody else engaged in terrorist activities" would be "vigorously pursued" by security services. "We will take any opportunity we can to bring to court those against whom we can bring a charge that will have sufficient evidence to gain a conviction."