Court review sought of explosives hearing

A public hearing into the proposed development of an explosives plant at Kildysart, Co Clare, was adjourned yesterday pending…

A public hearing into the proposed development of an explosives plant at Kildysart, Co Clare, was adjourned yesterday pending the outcome of an application for a judicial review of what information is being released about the factory.

Mr Michael Nolan, the solicitor representing Cairde Cill an Disirt Teo, said his clients would seek a High Court review into the nature and conduct of the hearing.

The hearing was called by Clare County Council under the provisions of the 1875 Explosives Act as an information-gathering exercise before it considers giving assent to the Department of Justice's granting of a draft licence to allow ammonium nitrate to be kept at Cahercon, Kildysart.

Planning permission for the plant, which is being developed by Mr Paddy Whelan of Shannon Explosives, was granted in December by the council, but the decision was appealed to An Bord Pleanala, which is due to make its decision on August 9th.


Mr Nolan said clients were questioning the decision of Mr Frank Burke, the chairman of the hearing, not to have information on the safety aspects of the proposed plant released. It was a nonsense, he said, if the information could not be made available.

Mr Burke said he was not in a position to release the information because it was restricted. Earlier, Mr John Shaw, acting for the county council, said the council and the chief fire officer had received all the information.

Mr Nolan referred to a letter from the Government inspector of explosives, Mr Frank Egan, which referred to the draft licence having "security-sensitive material".