Courts Service reports fall in murder, rape cases

The number of murder cases fell from 55 in 2002 to 39 last year, according to the Courts Service annual report for 2003.

The number of murder cases fell from 55 in 2002 to 39 last year, according to the Courts Service annual report for 2003.

The number of rape cases dropped from a peak of 130 in 1999 to 52 cases last year.

The report says waiting times for cases has also been reduced.

Last year the Central Criminal Court disposed of 63 more cases than it received. This is the third year in a row that the court has completed more cases than it received.


There were 2,970 divorce applications granted in the High and Circuit Court, an increase of 15 per cent on 2002.

There were a total of 454 personal injury cases in the High Court in 2003 where judgment was given. Awards were made in 433 cases.

The lowest amount awarded in the High Court cases was €5,000 while the highest amount was €4.5 million.

The report says activities to modernise the service are continuing with investment totalling €120 million.

27 courthouses were completely refurbished or upgraded in 2003 and €28 million was invested in upgrading IT.