Cowen criticised by Shatter over drug refund cuts

The Dail approved a supplementary estimate of just over £90 million for the Department of Health yesterday after it was proposed…

The Dail approved a supplementary estimate of just over £90 million for the Department of Health yesterday after it was proposed by the Minister for Health.

Moving the estimate, Mr Cowen said "the precise sum is £90,049,000. This is partially offset by additional appropriations-in-aid of £70.5 million which gives a net figure of £19.549 million required by way of supplementary estimate."

While his approach to funding and accountability was well known, the Minister said the additional estimate related to items the costs of which were traditionally hard to predict.

During the debate the Minister was criticised by Mr Alan Shatter for proposed cuts in the drugs refund scheme. "It is bizarre that the Government, while introducing tax cuts through the front door, proposes to introduce health cuts through the back door.


"Just as the Minister has reneged on his obligation to those who require in-patient hospital care, he is now inexplicably declaring war on thousands of people throughout the country dependent on medication to lead normal lives," said Mr Shatter.