CPSU workers vote in favour of strike action

Thousands of civil servants are to strike over the public sector pensions levy after members of the Civil Public and Services…

Thousands of civil servants are to strike over the public sector pensions levy after members of the Civil Public and Services Union (CPSU) voted in favour of industrial action.

Some 83 per cent of members who took part in the ballot voted for industrial action, with only 17 per cent opposing it. The ballot had a turnout of 86 per cent.

The CPSU represents about 13,000 lower paid staff in the civil service.

Civil servants are now due to hold a one-day work stoppage on February 26th. The week-day action will hit services in a number of Government departments.

According to the latest Irish Times /TNS mrbi poll which was released on Saturday, voters are sharply divided on the Government's decision to impose a levy on public sector workers with 47 per cent saying it was wrong and 41 per cent agreeing it was right.