Cricket Ireland expands into the west

Cricket: Cricket Ireland is expanding its horizons to the west with Jody Morgan, father of international star Eoin, becoming…

Cricket:Cricket Ireland is expanding its horizons to the west with Jody Morgan, father of international star Eoin, becoming president of the newly-formed Connacht Cricket Union.

The creation of a fifth provincial union shows both the growing popularity of the sport and the success of Cricket Ireland in taking the game to less traditional areas for the sport.

David Williams, Cricket Ireland chairman, said: “I am delighted that the Connacht Cricket Union has been formed. Cricket Ireland has been working to extend the playing of the game beyond its traditional boundaries and we all welcome this latest exciting development.

“Hot on the heels of the Irish government‘s support for the Malahide international ground development, it shows we are making great strides forward.”


One of the early challenges for Nitin Bindal, secretary of the Connacht Union, will be to develop more playing facilities for the six founding clubs and he recognizes there will be plenty of hard work ahead.

“This is no matter of triumph until all the work put in delivers a good league and some decent players who could some day play representative cricket and a couple of quality grounds in the West,” said Nitin.

“Right now nothing has changed from the last few years. We realise we have a long road to travel before we can call this venture a success. Having said that, it's great to be officially welcomed into the family of Irish cricket. We are especially looking forward to participating in the Cricket Ireland development programmes and establishing links with our sister Unions and clubs all over the island.”

Irish cricket will be in headlines again next year with the national team undertaking another World Cup campaign on the Indian subcontinent in February and March followed by an RSA Challenge One Day International against England at Clontarf in August.