Ana Kriegel: Garda will investigate anyone sharing photos of murderers

Images claiming to show two boys have circulated widely on WhatsApp and social media

Boy A and Boy B were found guilty by a jury on Tuesday of murdering Ana Kriégel last year. Photograph: RTÉ News

The Garda has said it will investigate anyone sharing the identities of the two 14-year-olds convicted of murdering Ana Kriégel.

Boy A and Boy B, as they are known publicly, were found guilty by a jury on Tuesday of murdering the 14-year-old girl in Lucan last year. Boy A was also found guilty of the aggravated sexual assault of Ana on the same date.

Since the verdict, photographs claiming to show the two boys have circulated widely on WhatsApp and social media.

It is understood gardaí have been alerted to several incidents of the boys photographs being shared online. The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is also aware of the issue and is considering making an application for those sharing to photos to be held in contempt.


Under the Children Act 2001, it is a criminal offence to identify children who are parties to court proceedings. This includes witnesses and defendants.

The offence carries a prison term of up to 12 months and a €1,500 fine on conviction in the District Court or a term of up to three years and a €10,000 fine on conviction in a higher court.

It is also an offence to identify the school of a child defendant or to publish their photograph.

These restrictions apply even if a child is convicted.

During the seven week trial Mr Justice Paul McDermott made a specific order banning identification of the boys and their school, meaning offenders can also be held in contempt of court for which the judge has unlimited powers of punishment.

“Reports of such information which is or may be circulated will be investigated by gardaí,” a Garda spokesman said.

The prosecution had alleged Boy B lured Ana from her home at 5pm on May 14th, 2018, on the pretence of meeting Boy A, whom Ana was “interested” in.

Boy A then violently sexually assaulted and murdered her in the derelict farmhouse as Boy B watched.

Boy A had pleaded not guilty to the murder and sexual assault “involving serious violence” at Glenwood House, Laraghcon, Clonee Road, Lucan, in Dublin.

Boy B had pleaded not guilty to the murder of the girl on the same date.

Both teens have been remanded in custody to Oberstown Detention Facility pending sentencing on July 15th.

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher is Crime and Security Correspondent of The Irish Times