Army called in after family brings ‘bomb’ home from beach

Disposal unit brought in to handle device at house in Knockalla Drive in Letterkenny

Army bomb disposal experts were called to a housing estate in Co Donegal after a family brought a would-be bomb home after a day on the beach. File photograph: Aidan Crawley.

A housing estate in Co Donegal was sealed off on Tuesday after a family brought a would-be bomb home after a day on the beach.

Gardaí inspected the scene and the Army’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal team were called into Knockalla Drive in Letterkenny to handle the potentially explosive device.

After arriving home from the beach, the residents of the house became worried about what is believed to be an explosive shell.

A Garda spokesman said: “This device was brought home for whatever reason and it does pose a danger to the public.


“We do not know exactly what the shell is or how live it is but we obviously cannot take a chance and had to contact the relevant authority.”