Belfast man in court accused of setting fire to man’s sleeping bag

Alan Patton faces a count of arson with intent to endanger life

Alan Patton was charged over an alleged incident in Belfast earlier this year.

A man has appeared in court in Belfast accused of putting another man's life in danger by setting fire to his sleeping bag.

Alan Patton was charged over an alleged incident in Belfast earlier this year. The 34-year-old, of Glenrosa Street in the city, faces a count of arson with intent to endanger life.

According to the charge sheet it involved damaging the man’s sleeping bag by fire on February 13th.

As Mr Patton was brought from custody to Belfast Magistrates’ Court his lawyer challenged the strength of the prosecution case. He claimed there were “contradictory” issues about the man in the sleeping bag, referring to so-called “bad character” information about him.


District Judge Fiona Bagnall also pressed a prosecutor on what progress has been made. She was told information about CCTV evidence and previous convictions of a witness have not yet been received.

“This has been going round in circles for some time,” Mrs Bagnall said.

Adjourning the case until next month, she indicated that a date for a preliminary enquiry hearing should be set at that stage.