Coronavirus: circuit civil court cases adjourned until April 20th

A five-day family law case that was to have been heard was adjourned indefinitely

Photograph: Alan Betson

All Circuit Civil Court cases have been adjourned until April 20th, which will be the beginning of the new Easter Law Term, Judge James McCourt said during a brief sitting of the court in Dublin today Monday.

“Those are the instructions I have received,” Judge McCourt said arising from the coronaviris pandemic. Judge McCourt said all cases that had been listed up until April 3rd next, the end of the current Hilary Law Term, would be adjourned back into the Circuit Civil Court office for re-enlistment and not before April 20th.

A five-day family law case that was to have been heard by another judge in the Circuit Court was also adjourned indefinitely by Judge McCourt.

Judge Jacqueline Linnane, who was listed to hear motions relating to proposed repossession cases today also adjourned the majority of her list until April 20th at the earliest.


Circuit Civil Court cases throughout the country will also be adjourned until April 20th, with no guarantee that the courts list will return to normal even at that date.

Judge McCourt after a sitting that lasted only four minutes wished everyone good health and “to stay safe” in the meantime. Only two barristers attended this morning’s brief adjournment hearing.