Businessman Jim Mansfield Jnr to apply for legal aid

Mansfield charged with conspiring to falsely imprison man and attempting to pervert the course of justice

Jim Mansfield Jr. Photograph: Courts Collins

Businessman Jim Mansfield Jnr, who has been charged with conspiring to falsely imprison a man and with attempting to pervert the course of justice, is to apply for legal aid.

Mr Mansfield (52), of Tasaggart House, Garters Lane, Saggart, Co Dublin, appeared before the Special Criminal Court last Tuesday when he was charged with conspiring to falsely imprison a man and with attempting to pervert the course of justice in respect of the alleged false imprisonment.

On Monday, the Special Criminal Court heard Mr Mansfield intends to apply for legal aid and his case will be up for mention again on November 4th.

Mr Mansfield was in court on Monday.


Mr Justice Paul Coffey, presiding alongside Judge Sinéad Ní Chúlacháin and Judge James Faughnan, remanded Mr Mansfield on continuing bail to appear again on November 4th at 11am.

On Monday last, the court endorsed a warrant for his arrest after the State had earlier dropped charges that had previously been entered against Mr Mansfield.

A book of evidence was also served on him during his court appearance last Tuesday.

His appearance followed his arrest by arrangement at lunchtime on the same day.

Mr Mansfield is accused of conspiring with one or more persons to falsely imprison Martin Byrne, in contravention of Section 15 of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act 1997, on a date unknown between January 1st, 2015 and June 30th, 2015, both dates inclusive.

He is also accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice by directing Patrick Byrne to destroy recorded CCTV footage, with the intention of perverting the course of public justice in relation to the false imprisonment of Mr Byrne, at Finnstown House Hotel, Newcastle Road, Lucan, Co Dublin between June 9th, 2015 and June 12th, 2015.