Former drug addict spared jail for robbery because of ‘Trojan’ rehab work

Patrick Paget’s key social worker told court his attitude had completely changed

Photograph: Alan Betson / THE IRISH TIMES

A former Dublin drug addict with 128 previous convictions has been spared jail for robbery and attempted robbery because of his “Trojan work” at rehabilitation.

Judge Patrick Quinn noted that father of one Patrick Paget (30) had remained out of trouble since the date of his last offence in January 2017.

“To his absolute credit, he appears to have done Trojan work,” Judge Quinn said. He imposed 20 months with the final 15 suspended and credit for any time Paget has spent in custody.

Paget, with an address at Sillogue Park, Ballymun, pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to two robberies and attempted robbery of personal belongings at Abbey Street, Dublin, on January 18th, 2017.


A co-accused, Paul Coady (27) of Carnlough Road, Cabra, Dublin, pleaded guilty to the same offences on the same date.

Coady has also pleaded guilty to attempted robbery at Tesco Express, Aungier Street, Dublin, on January 20th, 2018. Coady has nine previous convictions for minor offences and will be sentenced in October.

Garda Laura Burke told Noel Devitt BL, prosecuting, that Paget’s 128 previous convictions include 25 crimes under the Larceny Act. He received 18 months in prison for burglary in 2015.

Paget’s key social worker told Judge Quinn that she was satisfied that his attitude, direction and outlook had completely changed and he deserved a chance.

Lawyers for Paget submitted he has been drug free for 23 months and now has stable accommodation with his partner and child.

Judge Quinn described Paget’s most recent crimes as “cowardly” but suspended the sentence on condition he remains drug and alcohol free and attends Narcotics Anonymous meetings.