Homeless mother to be sentenced after attacking hotel resident

Lisa Blake (38) went into another woman’s room in the homeless accommodation and attacked her

In a victim impact report, the victim said she felt sorry for her assailant as she understood the pressure and stress she was living under at the time. Photograph: Collins Courts.

A homeless mother of five was staying in a hotel with her children when she assaulted another resident, a court has heard.

Lisa Blake (38) went into another woman’s room in the homeless accommodation and attacked her with a chisel. The victim Michelle Lowry was left with relatively minor injuries including a small scar to her nose.

Lawyers for Blake said that up to ten years ago she had been living in her own home and was living a very respectable life. She said as a result of the economic downturn and becoming addicted to heroin she lost her home.

Blake, formerly of The Regency Hotel, Drumcondra, Dublin pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to assault causing harm to Michelle Lowry at the hotel on July 30th 2013.


Garda James Woods told the court that Blake went into the victim’s room and hit and kicked while repeatedly screaming “you’re a rat” at her. She pulled the woman by the hair and was holding her down when she pulled out a chisel.

The victim told gardai that Blake started trying to stab at her. The victim’s four year old daughter was in the hotel room and was screaming while her teenage son ran out to get help.

The scuffle moved into the hotel corridor where it was broken up by other residents.

Fiona Murphy BL, defending, said her client had mistakenly believed that the victim had something to do with Blake being asked to leave the accommodation.

Judge Elma Sheahan said she would adjourn the sentence to October next to allow Blake to engage with the Probation Services.

Blake had no previous convictions and was disgusted and ashamed of her actions, Ms Murphy said.

In a victim impact report Ms Lowry said she felt sorry for Blake as she understood the pressure and stress she was living under at the time.

Blake had been drinking earlier that day at a family gathering and the alcohol had reacted very badly to medication she had been prescribed.

Counsel said Blake had no memory of bringing the chisel to the altercation.