Leroy Dumbrell jailed for assault, threat to harm garda

29-year-old told gardaí a detective would ‘need a body bag’ if he came after him

A file image from 2005 of Leroy Dumbrell, also known as Leroy Roche, (29) of Carriglea Gardens, Dún Laoghaire, who has been sentenced to seven years after pleading guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to violent disorder threatening to kill or cause serious harm to a garda. Photograph: Collins.

A Dublin man with a “history of very serious violence” who stamped on a man and threatened to kill a garda has been sentenced to seven years in prison.

Leroy Dumbrell, also known as Leroy Roche, (29) of Carriglea Gardens, Dún Laoghaire, pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to one count of violent disorder on November 27th, 2013.

He also pleaded guilty to threatening to kill or cause serious harm to Detective Garda Ronan McMorrow on May 5th, 2015.

The court heard Dumbrell was repeatedly jailed for breaching his bail conditions, which included a curfew between 7pm and 7am.


Det Garda McMorrow phoned Dumbrell on May 5th, 2015 to advise him he was in danger of breaching his bail conditions after gardaí­ called to his home and found he was not there.

Dumbrell told the detective “You bring me back to court and you’ll regret it. Mark my words you c***” and I’ll come after you one way or another.”

Dumbrell went on to identify the colour and model of Det Garda McMorrow’s personal car and said “I’ll f***ing find out about you”.

Dumbrell went on: “Bring plenty of men and fire power if you’re coming for me, as you’ll need it”.

When two other gardaí­ later called at Dumbrell’s door, he told them Det Garda McMorrow would “need a body bag”.

Personal safety

Gerardine Small BL prosecuting said Dumbrell had no reason to know what kind of car Det Garda McMorrow drove and that the detective was in fear for his personal safety as a result of the threats.

Judge Karen O’Connor sentenced Dumbrell to three years for the violent disorder and a four year consecutive term for the threat to Det Garda McMorrow. She suspended the final year on the condition that Dumbrell engage with the Probation Service for 12 months and be of good behaviour for two years.

She said the threats were aggressive with “sinister elements”.

“The fact he had personal details can only be regarded as having a menacing element designed to put him in maximum fear and make him believe the threats would be carried out.”

Judge O’Connor said Dumbrell had a history of “serious offending” but accepted that he had young children and a very supportive girlfriend. She noted his attempts to rehabilitate and that he had been training to become a fitness instructor.

Ms Small said Dumbrell was one of a group of men who took part in an assault on another man on a street in Ballymun, Dublin in the middle of the afternoon.

A number of children witnessed the assault, during which Dumbrell stamped on the victim’s leg as he lay prone on the ground. The assault was captured on CCTV footage and the men were identified by gardaí­.

Dumbrell’s co-accused received sentences of three-and-a-half years and two-and-a-half years respectively.

The court heard Dumbrell had dozens of previous convictions, including for an incident in which a woman was set on fire and a brawl at Mountjoy Prison in which 16 prisoners were injured.