Man jailed after robbing cafe where he was a regular customer

CCTV footage showed Dylan Brophy sitting in cafe an hour before the offence

A father of one who robbed money from a cafe in which he was a regular customer has been jailed for two-and-a-half years.

Dylan Brophy (22) of Reuben Street, Rialto, Dublin pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to robbery at Arch Cafe, Reuben Plaza, Dublin 8, on June 25th, 2018.

Garda Kevin Cassidy told Elva Duffy BL, prosecuting, said on the afternoon in question, Brophy approached the counter with his face covered and his hood up, holding a knife up by his chest.

Garda Cassidy said Brophy told staff to “give me the f**king money” and was told to press the green button on the till. He reached over, took €650 from the till and left the cafe.


Gardaí­ obtained CCTV footage which showed Brophy sitting in the cafe an hour before the offence. Further CCTV footage showed him subsequent to the robbery changing into the clothes he had been wearing while sitting in the cafe.

The court heard that Brophy was a regular customer at the cafe.

Brophy has 43 previous convictions, including convictions for robbery, assault causing harm and possession of drugs for sale or supply.

Garda Cassidy agreed with Dean Kelly BL, defending, that his client was a user and abuser of street drugs at the time of the offence. He agreed that Brophy fully co-operated with the investigation once he was arrested.

Mr Kelly said his client began taking drugs in his teenager years and said he has a son with his “childhood sweetheart”. He said Brophy is currently serving a sentence for another offence and asked not to extend his time in custody beyond his release date in July 2021.

Judge Martin Nolan said that any robbery was serious, but it was noteworthy that there was no actual violence in this case. He said it was to Brophy’s credit that he made admissions upon his arrest.

Judge Nolan sentenced Brophy to a term of imprisonment of two-and-a-half years starting from Tuesday.