Man who became involved in a violent altercation discharged

Incident occurred after his son and friends had been threatened with knife

Detective Garda Colm O’Rourke told the court that the events unfolded after a man made a “lewd” suggestion to a group of teenage girls outside a Tesco in Finglas.

A man who became involved in a violent altercation with someone who had threatened his son has been discharged from the indictment.

Jason Goddard (36) and his co-accused “did not know what they were getting into” when they followed a man “better known to gardaí” after he had made a “lewd suggestion” to a group of teenage girls and also produced a knife.

Goddard of Cloonlara Road, Finglas, pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to violent disorder at Finglas Road, Finglas, on October 16th, 2018.

He has eight previous convictions, including convictions for possession of drugs and road traffic offences.


Judge Elma Sheahan had previously placed Goddard on a 12-month probation bond and adjourned the matter for finalisation to this date.

Passing sentence on Tuesday, Judge Sheahan said Goddard has not come to garda attention since this offending and has engaged well with the Probation Service.

The judge said that he has reduced his risk of reoffending to a low risk. She noted his previous convictions are minor in nature and there have been none since 2014.

Judge Sheahan said that she would discharge Goddard from the indictment under Section 1.2 of the Probation Act, on condition that he keep the peace and be of good behaviour for 12 months.

Detective Garda Colm O’Rourke told Maurice Coffey SC, prosecuting, that a man made a “lewd” suggestion to a group of teenage girls outside a Tesco in Finglas. This man also produced a knife and threatened some of the teenagers gathered there, including Goddard’s son.

Det Gda O’Rourke said it was fair to say “a red mist” had descended on Goddard and his co-accused Ryan Thompson (21) when they arrived at the scene in a van and this was “not without some justification”.

Goddard and Thompson, who were carrying a camera tripod and a golf club respectively, followed the man to outside a nearby nursing home where the altercation ensued. During this altercation, Thompson received slash marks to his neck and cheek.

Goddard brought Thompson to hospital and later that night made admissions to gardaí. He told gardaí that he did not remember details of the incident as he was under the influence of drugs at the time.

Det Gda O’Rourke said the third man in the altercation was “better known to gardaí”. He said that Goddard and Thompson “did not know what they were getting into”.

The court heard that Thompson of Marewood Crescent, Ballymun, Dublin, was also previously discharged from the indictment under the Probation Act by Ms Justice Karen O’Connor.

Det Gda O’Rourke agreed with David Perry BL, defending, that his client has not come to garda attention since the offence. He agreed Goddard is now playing the role of a carer for his two nephews.

Mr Perry said his client has volunteered on behalf of a homeless charity in the past. He said his client had started taking sleeping tablets in August 2018 and this affected him on the date in question.

Counsel said his client feels remorse and shame and embarrassment for this offence. He said Goddard and his son have plans to set up a power washing business.