Offer of €31,000 to girl who broke leg at creche too low, says judge

Girl fell off wardrobe at Larkin childcare centre in Dublin and fractured right tibia

Following an assessment by the Injuries Board, the defendant had made a €31,000 settlement offer: Mr Justice Raymond Groarke said it was not enough

An offer of a €31,000 settlement to a five-year-old girl who broke her right leg when she fell off a wardrobe at a Dublin playschool has been rejected by a judge.

Circuit Court President Mr Justice Raymond Groarke said the figure would not be enough to compensate Lacey Murphy who still feels pain in her leg, almost two years after the incident.

Barrister William Reidy had told the court that Lacey was three in April 2015 when she climbed on an open wardrobe at Larkin childcare centre at Ballybough Community Centre.

Mr Reidy said Lacey unfortunately fell off the wardrobe onto her right leg. She had been taken to hospital where X-rays revealed a fracture of the tibia.


Long leg cast

The court heard that Lacey needed to undergo a manipulation of her right leg bones under anaesthesia. She had to wear a long leg cast and later a walking boot for a number of weeks.

Mr Reidy, who appeared with solicitors O’Hanrahan & Co, said Lacey was expected to make a full recovery but was still experiencing pain in her leg.

Through her mother, Lynn Murphy, of Courtney Place, Dublin 3, Lacey sued the school for negligence.

Mr Reidy told the court that, following an assessment by the Injuries Board, the defendant had made a €31,000 settlement offer, which he was not recommending to the court.

Judge Groarke said he was satisfied the offer was not enough and refused it. The case will now go to a full trial at a date to be fixed by the Circuit Court office.