Man died after being found on Dublin street on ‘particularly cold’ morning

Steponas Jankovskis had a core temperature of 20 degrees when taken to Mater Hospital

Steponas Jankovskis had a core temperature of 20 degrees when taken to the Mater Hospital in Dublin after being found on Lower Gardiner Street. File photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times.

A homeless man found slumped on a set of steps in Dublin city centre died due to hypothermia, an inquest has heard.

Steponas Jankovskis (54) was spotted outside a house on Lower Gardiner Street by a passing woman shortly after 7am on January 19th, 2018.

Garda Hannah Quinlan described it as being a “particularly cold” morning during an inquest into his death at Dublin Coroner’s Court.

Mr Jankovskis, who was wearing a number of coats, was checked on by the woman, who was concerned that he was very cold and contacted the emergency services.


He was rushed by ambulance to the Mater Hospital where he later suffered a cardiac arrest. He was treated in the intensive care unit but died two days later.

“He deteriorated quite a lot in that time between when he was found in the street and getting to hospital,” Coroner Dr Myra Cullinane said.

Gardaí notified the Lithuanian embassy in an attempt to contact relatives of the deceased but none travelled to Ireland to identify his remains. He was identified by a photograph provided to gardaí in an email sent by his son.

A postmortem found that Mr Jankovskis died due to a lack of blood supply to the heart due to hypothermia.

He had a core temperature of 20 degrees and bronchial pneumonia. He had the equivalent of eight alcoholic drinks in his system an arrival at the hospital, the inquest heard.

The coroner returned a verdict of misadventure.