Murder accused tried to urinate on hands to remove firearms residue, court told

Seán Ducque (33) charged with murdering Kieran Farrelly in Dublin city centre

The body of Kieran Farrelly is removed from the scene of his murder at Killarney Court flats off Buckingham Street, Dublin. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

The trial of a man accused of murder with a shotgun has heard he tried to urinate on his hands before gardaí tested them for firearms residue.

Garda Aaron Hoey was giving evidence to the Central Criminal Court on Friday morning in the trial of Seán Ducque (33), who is charged with murdering Kieran Farrelly in Dublin's north inner city.

The father-of-one, of no fixed abode, has pleaded not guilty to murdering the 33-year-old on October 26th, 2014 at Killarney Court, Killarney Street.

However, he has admitted through his barrister that he fired two shots from a shotgun, later found on Mabbot Lane, which killed Mr Farrelly.


Garda Hoey told Dominic McGinn SC, prosecuting, that authorisation was given to take forensic samples from the accused during his detention the day after the killing.

“I believe there were bags placed on his hands,” he said, explaining that this was to preserve any firearms residue, which can be removed by friction, including hand-washing. “I was informed that Seán Ducque had tried to urinate on his hands, remove the bags and remove the residue from his hands.”

He said he decided that the quicker the samples could be taken, the better.

“Mr Ducque was very unco-operative at the time. Four members had to restrain him while I carried it out,” he said. “He kicked, spat, physically broke a table in the interview room.”

However, Garda Hoey managed to obtain the samples.

The garda agreed with Hugh O’Keeffe SC that this was during a period of time when his client had been deemed medically unfit for interview. He also agreed Mr Ducque was co-operative when he took other samples from him a number of hours later.

Forensic scientist Dr John O’Shaughnessy examined the jacket Mr Ducque was wearing when arrested. “I found firearms residue,” he said, adding it was similar to the residue from the discharged shotgun cartridge found at the scene.

“The jacket provides strong support for the view that Seán Ducque discharged the shotgun in this instance,” he said.

The trial will continue on Monday before Mr Justice Paul Butler and a jury.