Two jailed for sexual assault on sleeping teen in Dublin nightclub

Woman (19) who was slumped over couch in a private room said incident led her to self harm

Two men have been been jailed for sexually assaulting a teenage woman while she was slumped over on a couch in a private room in a Dublin nightclub. Photograph: iStock

Two men have been been jailed for sexually assaulting a teenage woman while she was slumped over on a couch in a private room in a Dublin nightclub.

Joshua Sykes (22) and Adam McCabe (21) both claimed they had no memory of the offence, but pointed themselves out on CCTV footage that showed them sexually assaulting the woman.

A hostess at the nightclub said the victim was “completely asleep” and barely woke up when she tried calling her and pushing her shoulders. This witness told gardaí the man who was with her was not making much sense either.

Garda Shane McGuinn said though McCabe admitted he could be seen performing oral sex on the woman, he told gardaí: “I don’t know where the sexual assault was though”.


He said the woman had been “well able to move around” and had been kissing him previously, but accepted that she was “drunk probably” in the footage.

On viewing the CCTV Sykes described the footage of him assaulting the woman as “disgusting”.

He had denied taking the woman’s phone and money, as shown in the CCTV, but later admitted having the items and not being able to account for them.

Pleaded guilty

McCabe, a father-of-one of Clusker Park, Navan, Co Meath, and Sykes, of Ardlo Manor, Mullagh, Co Cavan, both pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting the 19-year-old woman at The Wright Venue, Swords, Dublin on a date in July 2017.

Both men each have one previous conviction for minor offences. The court heard they were attending a friend’s 21st birthday party at the nightclub.

Judge Cormac Quinn said it was a “shocking case” and imposed a three year sentence, with the final 18 months suspended, on each man.

Gda McGuinn told Gerardine Small BL, prosecuting, that the woman had become separated from her friends while on a night out and recalled feeling “giddy and lightheaded” after a few drinks.

She told gardaí her memory was hazy, but she recalled kissing a stranger and being in a room with two males. Her next memory is crying in a room with gardaí and feeling uncomfortable in her vaginal area.

In her victim impact statement, the woman said that the incident led her to self harm as she could not stop thinking about what happened.

Deep remorse

She said she did not get help for this, because she was ashamed. She added that she suffered panic attacks and anxiety and didn’t drink or socialise anymore, because it would make her cry.

Gda McGuinn agreed with barristers for McCabe and Sykes that their clients had both entered early guilty pleas. He accepted that the men had been intoxicated on alcohol and drugs on the night.

Patrick McGrath SC, defending McCabe, submitted to Judge Quinn that his client’s “shame is accompanied by deep remorse”. He said the offence was “totally out of character” and a “once off spontaneous act” for McCabe.

He asked the judge to consider his client’s exceptional intake of alcohol on the night as an explanation and not an excuse for the offending. He added that his client had “no doubt now” as to the consequences of his actions, having read the victim impact statement.

Michael Bowman SC, defending Sykes, submitted that his client has been described as caring, hardworking and loyal by his former partner.

Mr Bowman said Sykes had owned up and taken responsibility for the offence. He submitted that Sykes had communicated his disgust, shame and remorse for what he had done.

Judge Quinn noted that the woman was “a vulnerable person at the time who was preyed upon by both accused”.

He took into account the men’s young ages, their early guilty pleas and their co-operation with The Probation Service. He further noted that McCabe had since been “vilified and ostracised on social media” and that Sykes had lost his job.