Woman tells court she awoke from blackout to find two men raping her

Two Leitrim men plead not guilty to rape of woman at party

Photograph: Matt Kavanagh

A woman has told a trial that she awoke twice from a drunken blackout to find two men raping her.

The alleged rapes took place at the end of a party in a flat in a Co Leitrim town. The woman has told the trial at the Central Criminal Court that she later heard male voices outside the door of the bedroom saying “you f**ked her too so you can get her out”.

The two Leitrim men have pleaded not guilty to rape at a place in the county on a date in 2017. The second accused also denies a charge of oral rape of the woman. The defendants and the complainant are now aged in their 20s.

The defendants have said that they had consensual sex with the woman on separate occasions during the night. The second man said he went in some time after the first man had come back out to the party and the woman gave him “a blowjob”.


In her direct evidence the woman told the jury that she and the defendants knew each other and had attended a birthday party in a pub earlier that night.

She and others went to the defendants’ flat for a party. She had two puffs of cannabis and felt sickly but was enjoying the party and “wasn’t going to stop drinking”.

The woman said she remembers sitting at the kitchen table and the next thing she remembers was being in a bedroom with the first accused having sex with her.

She said she told him to stop but he carried on and began to strangle her throat. She said she scratched at him to get him off but he carried on.

The complainant said she could hear laughter. She blacked out and when she came to again the second accused was grabbing her head and “forcibly” putting his penis into her mouth.

She said she didn’t remember this man leaving and she just remembered waking up alone. She heard male voices discussing how to “throw her out”, and heard someone say “you f**ked her too so you can get her out”.

She texted her boyfriend to come get her and when he arrived in his car she told him she had been raped.

Under cross-examination she said she does not remember spending much of the night in the company of the first accused or engaging in physical contact with him.

She denied asking this man in the pub if he had condoms and if he would have sex with her later. She denied telling him during sex that she loved him.

The woman agreed that she felt demeaned by words she heard being said outside the bedroom and agreed they made her feel “worthless, there to be used”. She said she felt angry the next day when she texted him “f**k off” via Snapchat after he texted the word “soz”.

She denied having consensual sex with both men and denied that she was “excited” by the prospect.

The trial, which began last week, continues before Justice Eileen Creedon and a jury.