David Mahon charged in court with assault of a man causing harm

Stepfather of missing teenager Amy Fitzpatrick was remanded on continuing bail

File photograph of David Mahon with his wife Audrey. Photograph: Collins

The stepfather of missing Dublin teenager Amy Fitzpatrick, has appeared before a court in Co Leitrim charged with the assault of a man causing harm .

David Mahon (51) of Breffni Crescent , Carrick on Shannon, had his case adjourned until October 22nd for service of the book of evidence, when he appeared before Judge Deirdre Gearty on Tuesday.

Sergeant Michael Gallagher told Carrick on Shannon District Court that the Director of Public Prosecutions wanted the case sent forward on indictment to the Circuit Court.

Mr Mahon, who was remanded on continuing bail, is charged with assault causing harm of a man on August 26th last, at Breffni Crescent, Carrick on Shannon.


Reginald Garrett BL, counsel for Mr Mahon asked the court to vary the bail terms so the accused could continue to do shift work. Judge Gearty amended the curfew hours which had been from 10pm to 8am, to a midnight to 4am curfew.

Mr Garrett also told the judge the accused sometimes needed to visit Dublin for medical appointments and to visit his “very elderly and frail” father . The Judge agreed that he be allowed to notify gardai if he needed to make an overnight visit to Dublin .

Mr Mahon attended the brief hearingaccompanied by his wife Audrey. Amy Fitzpatrick was 15 when she disappeared in Spain in 2008.

Marese McDonagh

Marese McDonagh

Marese McDonagh, a contributor to The Irish Times, reports from the northwest of Ireland