Galway senior hurler charged with €60,000 theft

David Glennon (26) sent forward for trial charged with theft from former employers

David Glennon. Photograph: INPHO/Tommy Grealy

A Galway senior hurler has been sent forward for trial charged with the theft of just over €60,000 from his former employers.

Det Sgt John McElroy gave evidence at Galway District Court on Monday of serving a Book of Evidence on David Glennon (26), from Loughrea.

Mr Glennon, who is currently unemployed, faces 23 charges involving the theft of various amounts of cash, totalling €60,286, from J&C Kenny Wine Distributors between December 1st, 2012 and July 8th, 2015.

Sgt Georgina Lohan said the DPP had directed the accused be returned for trial to Galway Circuit Criminal Court.


Judge Mary Fahy made the order returning Glennon for trial to the Circuit Court sitting on May 9th and granted him Free Legal Aid.