Onlookers raised alarm when toddler was beaten by mother in park

Judge commends members of public who came to assistance of child in Cork city park

Photograph: iStock

A judge has commended the actions of onlookers in a park in Cork city who went to the assistance of a 20-month-old girl who was being kicked in the back and picked off the ground by her hair by her mother who was drinking a bottle of wine.

The 40-year-old woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to a charge of neglect or cruelty and to a second charge of being drunk in charge of a child under the age of seven.

Sgt Pat Lyons told Cork District Court the woman went to an off-licence in the city on July 18th, 2020 and bought a bottle of wine which she drank in a park.

Eight members of the public intervened after they witnessed the woman attacking the child who was “visibly distressed”.


Sgt Lyons said members of the public contacted gardaí and removed the child from the mother before officers arrived and the woman was taken to a Garda station. The woman’s husband, who had not been present at the scene, arrived and the child was assessed at Cork University Hospital and found to have no physical injuries. The woman fully co-operated with gardaí but had no recollection of the incident.

Solicitor Frank Buttimer said his client, whom he described as a professional person in a responsible job, was “wracked by guilt” arising out of her behaviour.

He said she was “devastated” by her actions. He said that at the time of the incident she was experiencing the traumatic loss of a relative. She drank the bottle of wine while on medication and having had a smaller amount of wine earlier in the day.

Since the incident the woman, who suffers from depression, has been hospitalised for treatment. She has also received outpatient treatment for her issues with alcohol and is attending AA.

Tusla, the child and family agency, has engaged with the parents and an agreed care plan for the child is in place.

Mr Buttimer added that the husband of the defendant was “very supportive and steadfast”. He said his client acknowledged the gravity of her conduct and was carrying an enormous burden of pain. He added she had a loving relationship with her child and as a woman without previous convictions being in court was alien to her.

Judge Olann Kelleher said it was a "sad case". He stated that members of the public had "intervened in the best possible way", with their actions on the day a "lesson for us all". He acknowledged the woman's difficulties and the support of her husband and said he accepted she was doing everything in her power to remedy the situation.

Judge Kelleher remanded her on bail until July 16th for sentencing.