RTÉ dating star Daphney Sanasie to go on trial in January

First Dates participant and model is accused of harassing celebrity chef Dylan McGrath

Daphney Sanasie outside Dublin District Court in Dublin after an earlier hearing in May. Photograph: Collins Courts.

RTÉ First Dates star Daphney Sanasie will go on trial in January accused of harassing celebrity chef Dylan McGrath.

The 26-year-old model from South Africa, who has an address at Jamestown Road, in Dublin 8, is accused of harassing Dylan McGrath (39) at various locations in the State, from September 9 until November 21 last year.

The charge is contrary to Section 10 of the Non Fatal Offences Against the Person Act.

She is contesting the case and her Dublin District Court trial had been scheduled to take place on September 30.


However, it could not proceed then because Mr McGrath was bedridden with a serious back injury.

The case was listed again for mention on Friday to confirm availability of witnesses.

Two phones

The court already heard in September that Mr McGrath recently had surgery on his back and is not “in a fit way to come to court” with no definitive date yet as to when he would be fit to come to the trial.

Judge William Hamill was told on Friday that Mr McGrath would not be able to attend court prior to Christmas.

Judge Hamill noted there was no CCTV evidence and he ordered that the trial would take place on January 20.

The State intends to call 10 witnesses and Gareth Robinson BL, for Ms Sanasie, said two people may give evidence for the defence.

Dressed in a black top and dress, Ms Sanasie did not address the court.

Earlier, the court heard Ms Sanasie has completed her studies in Ireland and wishes to return to Cape Town.

Two phones have been forensically examined as part of the investigation.