Woman assaulted in row over remote control to receive €500

Charlie Dillon (27) pushed Natasha Ryan during dispute at house in Tallaght

A chef who assaulted his ex-girlfriend in a row over a remote control will have to pay her €500 compensation.

A chef who assaulted his ex-girlfriend in a row over a remote control will have to pay her €500 compensation.

Tallaght District Court has heard Charlie Dillon became aggressive during the row and pushed Natasha Ryan.

Dillon, (27), St Fionan’s Road, Achill Sound, Achill, Co Mayo, pleaded guilty to assaulting Ms Ryan at an address at Russell View, Russell Square, Tallaght, on November 12th, 2013.

A Garda told Judge Bridget Reilly that on the above date, Ms Ryan had been visiting Dillon at his home in Russell View when there was an argument over the remote control. He said Dillon became aggressive and proceeded to push her.


The Garda said Ms Ryan was very upset and emotional and later reported the incident to the gardai. He said she suffered no injuries.

The Garda said Dillon had 12 previous convictions including five for criminal damage and one for possession of knives.

Dillon’s lawyer, Gabby Deane, said her client had not come to garda attention since the incident. She said he had since moved to Mayo where he has two jobs, as a chef and on a oyster farm.

She said the argument had got out of hand and Dillon’s nephew had been staying with him at the time and he did not want to see him arguing with the injured party so he asked her to leave.

Ms Ryan approached the stand and sat in the box. She said she had been going out with Dillon for a “couple of months”. Ms Deane said Dillon would be willing to pay €500 compensation.

Judge Reilly remanded Dillon to January 29th next for payment of compensation and for sentencing.