Girl (15) forced into car by youths feared rape, court hears

Distant relative (17) of girl accused of false imprisonment in incident caught on CCTV

Judge John O’Connor said the video evidence was “chilling” during a hearing to decide if the case should stay in the Children’s Court or go to the Circuit Court. It was too serious for the former court, he said

A 15-year-old schoolgirl thought she was going to be raped after being forced into a car and driven away at speed, the Dublin Children’s Court has heard.

A garda told the court she would never forget the look on the girl’s face when the car was intercepted on the M1 in Dublin on November 10th, 2016.

A 17-year-old boy, who allegedly forced her into the car, faced a preliminary hearing to decide his trial venue – if the case should stay in the Children’s Court or go to the Circuit Court which has tougher sentencing powers. He is accused of false imprisonment, a charge he denies.

Judge John O’Connor viewed CCTV footage and heard an outline of the allegations as well as submissions from the defence.


Afterwards he said that, while the accused has the presumption of innocence, the video evidence was “chilling”. He held the case was too serious to be heard in the Children’s Court and refused jurisdiction.

The accused, a distant relative of the girl, claims he was bringing her to a barbecue.

Stopped by gardaí

Garda Brenda Scanlon said the incident happened in north Co Dublin when the girl had been walking home from school with friends, all schoolgirls.

She was “linked” by her arm by another female who was not in a school uniform and who walked her to a car parked at the side of the road with its engine running.

A youth was in the driver’s seat and it was alleged the defendant and another male were outside the car.

It was alleged the female helped the two males, including the accused, to force and “bundle” the girl into the car. It was alleged her friends tried to pull her out but the car sped away. The garda showed the court video evidence which she said captured this part of the incident.

Judge O’Connor heard the car was driven erratically before it was stopped by a Garda car on the M1 at Cloghran.

In December, Judge O’Connor had also refused jurisdiction in relation to another youth, who is alleged to have been the driver of the car. The pair will appear again in February to be served with books of evidence before they are returned for trial.