Firefighter settles action after tripping in Dublin station

Las Fallon had sued Dublin City Council after tripping on a stone in the fire station yard

Firefighter, Las Fallon, of Palmerstown, Dublin pictured leaving the Four Courts. Photograph: Courts Collins

A firefighter has settled his High Court action over an accident in which he allegedly injured his foot when he tripped on a stone in the yard of a fire station.

Las Fallon (55), Palmerstown Avenue, Palmerstown, Dublin, sued his employer, Dublin City Council, over the incident in the yard of Dolphin's Barn station, Dublin, on June 12th, 2012.

It was claimed that, as he descended from the rear of a fire engine, he was suddenly caused to twist his left foot on a stone which was on the ground.

He fell against the fire engine and suffered ligament injury to his ankle, it was claimed.


It was also claimed there was a failure by his employer to take reasonable steps to ensure his safety including by failing to remove the stone from the yard, thereby presenting a trip hazard.

The Council denied the claims.

Mr Fallon said he was taken by ambulance to St James Hospital A&E where he was treated and given pain killers.

However, the pain continued and in January, 2013, he required surgery to remove a bony fragment and the repair of a tendon.

He was required to use a walking stick if walking for long periods and the pain increased during cold weather.

The case opened before Mr Justice Anthony Barr who was told later by Robert Beatty SC, with Paul McGarry SC, instructed by Michelle Egan of Sean Costello Solicitors, for Mr Fallon that the case had settled and could be struck out.