Freddie Thompson withdraws case over ‘oppressive’ prison regime

Convicted killer has now been moved from isolation block in Portlaoise Prison

Convicted killer Frederick ‘Freddie’ Thompson has withdrawn his High Court challenge over being subjected to an oppressive regime at Portlaoise Prison. Photograph: The Irish Times.

Convicted killer Frederick ‘Freddie’ Thompson has withdrawn his High Court challenge over being subjected to an “extremely oppressive” and “severe” regime at Portlaoise Prison.

It follows Thompson being moved by the prison authorities from the isolation block and placed with the mainstream prison population.

The 39-year-old from Dublin’s south inner city is serving a life sentence after last year being convicted for the murder of David Douglas in 2016.

Thompson brought a High Court challenge against the prison authorities over the “oppressive” conditions of his detention over the last 18 months in Portlaoise Prison’s A4-wing, known as the punishment block.


The Prison Service, the Prison Governor and the Minister for Justice opposed Thompson’s action. It was claimed that his prison regime derived from “security concerns”.

Thompon’s action, launched last August, had come before the courts on several occasions. When it returned before Mr Justice Charles Meenan on Tuesday, he was informed by Padraig Dwyer SC, with Keith Spencer BL, for Thompson, that it e could be struck out.

Counsel said this was because his client had been moved from A4 wing in the last 24 hours. However, the defendants had not admitted the move was related to the High Court proceedings.

In regards to the costs of the action, where significant issues of law had been raised, counsel said he was seeking a recommendation under the Legal Aid Custody Scheme for two counsel and a solicitor. The State adopted a neutral stance on the application.

Mr Justice Meenan said he was satisfied, given the circumstances of the case, to make the recommendation sought.

Thompson had sought various orders including one ending his detention away from the mainstream prison population and getting better access to the prison’s facilities.

He claimed, in breach of his human rights, he was only allowed contact with two other prisoners, and spent most of his time effectively on “lock-up” in his cell. He further claimed he is being denied regular exercise, fresh air and appropriate education. He said the situation was unbearable and his mental health had been affected.