Man sues stepmother for share of €3.38m Lotto win

David Walsh claims he was part of six-person syndicate and is due €564,000 share

One of the two winning tickets was bought for €12 at Salmon’s Department Store, Main Street, Ballinasloe, Co Galway. It entitled the winner to a €3.38 million share of the jackpot. File photograph: Nick Bradshaw

A legal dispute between a woman and her stepson over the proceeds of a €3.38 million Lotto win will be heard in the New Year.

David Walsh claims he is entitled to a one-sixth share – €564,000 – of the winning ticket which was one of two sold for a draw for a total jackpot of €6.7 million held on January 22nd, 2011.

One of the two winning tickets was bought for €12 at Salmon's Department Store, Main Street, Ballinasloe, Co Galway. It entitled the winner to a €3.38 million share of the jackpot.

Mr Walsh, of Knocknagreena, Ballinasloe, has sued his stepmother Mary Walsh, Perssepark, Ballinasloe, Co Galway.


He wants various orders and declarations including that he is entitled to €564,000 from the prize money and Ms Walsh received the winnings as trustee for her stepson.

She denies the claim and argues he is not entitled to the money.

The court heard previously that Mr Walsh claims he was one of six people, in an alleged syndicate, who signed the back of the winning ticket and was entitled to a one-sixth share.

He claims Ms Walsh, and the estate of his late father Peter, who died in late 2011, hold that money in trust for him.

She says the ticket belonged to her and not her stepson.

The case was due for hearing this week but there was a dispute whether legal professional privilege applied to certain documents.

After Mr Justice Paul Gilligan ruled Mr Walsh was entitled to discovery of 15 documents in advance of the hearing, he listed the case for hearing on January 11th.