Permanent orders made restraining protesters at Dawn Meats plants

‘Common sense has broken out’, High Court told after hearing protesters consent to restrictions

The High Court heard on Friday that permanent orders restraining trespass and intimidation could be made. Photograph: Chris Maddaloni/Collins

The High Court heard on Friday that permanent orders restraining trespass and intimidation could be made with the consent of named protesters who had taken part in beef-price protests at Dawn Meats factories.

Similar consent orders were made against named protesters blockading plants owned by ABP and Slaney Meats.

Mr Brian O’Moore SC told the court consent permanent orders could be made against named defendants.

Mr Justice Charles Meenan was told a compromise had been reached between named protesters and Dawn Meats, ABP and Slaney Meats which earlier this week obtained temporary restraints against protesters and was seeking on Friday to attach and commit to prison protester Seamus (otherwise Mex) Delahunty, of Mooncoyne, Co Kilkenny.


Mr Lyndon MacCann SC, who appeared with barrister Stephen Walsh for Dawn, said a motion against Mr Delahunty seeking to attach and commit him to prison for breaching of High Court orders could be struck out by consent.

Mr MacCann said consent orders permanently restraining Mr Delahunty and Declan Ryan, Liam Cunningham, James Kennedy, John Hassett, Michael Power, James O’Shea and Tom Fitzpatrick could be made by the court by consent of the named defendants with no orders for costs.

The orders restrain all of them from impeding, obstructing, hindering or in any way interfering, directly or indirectly, with access to or egress from Dawn factories at Grannagh, Co Waterford; Meadow Meats, Rathdowney, Co Laois; Hazel Hill, Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo; Ardnageehy, Charleville, Co Cork, and Greenhills, Beaupark, Slane, Co Meath.

A solicitor for Mr Delahunty said there had been some confusion as at least three people by the name of Delahunty in Mooncoyne were also known as “Mex” and added papers had been served in error on an uncle of Mr Delahunty.

Judge Meenan said the attitude of Mr Delahunty was entirely appropriate and the correct way to deal with the application before the court.

“A considerable amount of common sense has broken out,” Judge Meenan said. He made the orders requested by Dawn Meats, ABP and Slaney Meats and consented to by named defendants and granted all of them should protests continue liberty to apply to the court.

Earlier this week the High Court had granted Dawn Meats, ABP and Slaney Meats temporary injunctions restraining named defendants from intimidating suppliers and staff or continuing to blockade factories.

The court had heard that the blockades were threatening a multi-million-euro export deal with China whose hygiene and processing inspectors had eventually been allowed into the factories.