Elderly NI couple attacked by gang in their home

Pair bound and assaulted during break-in by masked men

Detectives are investigating the aggravated burglary at a house on the Saintfield Road in Lisburn last night.

An elderly couple were bound and assaulted in their home in Co Antrim during a break-in by masked men.

The gang made off with legally held guns and cash after the attack on the pensioners.

Detectives are investigating the aggravated burglary at a house on the Saintfield Road in Lisburn last night.

Four men dressed in black and wearing gloves and balaclavas entered the house at around 8pm.


A man was assaulted and then locked in a downstairs toilet while the woman was also tied up and threatened with a knife.

The couple are in their 70s.

The man suffered cuts and bruises and both were left badly shocked.

Investigating officers said two legally held firearms and a quantity of money were taken by the gang who fled in a vehicle at around 8.20pm.