Fáilte Ireland contacts tourism businesses after theft of laptop

Company listings, names and emails were stored on computer

Fáilte Ireland: no sensitive personal information or financial data on the stolen laptop. File photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire

Fáilte Ireland has contacted several tourism businesses after one of its laptops containing was stolen from an employee at a fast-food restaurant.

The communication sent to a number of businesses and their employees stresses no sensitive personal information or financial data were on the computer, which was protected by a 16-character encrypted password.

However, business listings, names, emails and possibly telephone numbers were stored on the computer.

Despite the high level of security and unlikeness that access to any data could be obtained, the tourism body is required to inform those whose information is stored in the computer’s memory.


It is understood the laptop was stolen from an employee at a restaurant last Friday, March 15th.

Failte Ireland has notified the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner and gardaí and said measures were being taken to avoid a repeat of the incident.

Since last May General Data Protection Regulation requires organisations to report personal data breaches within72 hours of becoming aware of the breach. Affected individuals must also be informed under the regulation.

It is unclear how many individuals or companies were affected by this theft.

Last August, Eir reported 37,000 of its customers suffered a breach when one of its laptops was stolen. Again, no personal or financial information was thought to have been involved.