Fall in Copper Face Jacks ‘most embarrassing experience’

Mother of three takes case against Dublin nightclub

Maria Creighton (left), of Wainsfort Avenue, Terenure, Dublin, leaving court today, with her sister, Roberta Smith. Photograph: Collins

A mother of three who claims she slipped and fell as she danced at a Dublin nightclub has brought a High Court action for damages.

Maria Creighton told the High Court it was "the most embarrassing experience of my life" when she fell at Copper Face Jacks, Dublin as she celebrated her 42nd birthday with friends.

The child minder fractured her wrist and told the court she now can’t do normal things and often drops items and finds it hard to lift her youngest child who is now six years. Ms Creighton of Wainsfort Avenue, Terenure, Dublin has sued Breanagh Catering trading as Copper Face Jacks as a result of the fall on August 31st, 2009.

She has claimed she slipped heavily on an allegedly wet floor as she danced with a female friend. Copper Face Jacks has denied the claims and contends Ms Creighton was wearing high heels and failed to report the incident immediately and remained on the premises for 27 minutes before leaving.


In evidence yesterday Ms Creighton said she was dancing when the fall occurred. "I went up in the air quite violently. I thought I was going to break my spine. I put out my hand to save my spine," she said. She said she could not believe the pain afterwards and her clothes were quite wet. She had had only about two glasses of wine earlier with a meal with her friends. Mr Justice Kevin Cross was shown CCTV footage of Ms Creighton dancing and falling. Ms Creighton told the judge she was embarrassed and her bottom was wet after the fall. Her sister later brought her to hospital.

She said she did not wear high heels and was wearing a flat wedge boots on the night. Counsel for Copper Face Jacks Finbarr Fox SC put to to Ms Creighton she was dancing vigorously but the witness said she was just dancing.

Counsel said in the footage Ms Creighton was clearly laughing and enjoying herself after the fall.

Ms Roberta Smyth who is Ms Creighton's sister said there was a "like a film of slippy wet " on the floor. She said the bar was "choc a bloc" that night and everybody put their drinks on the ledge around the dance floor as there are not tables.

Nightclub general manager Darren Power said the accident appeared to be "a dance move that went wrong." The case before Mr justice Kevin Cross continues on Tuesday.