Fears of paramilitary funeral ease as family prepare to bury Ryan

Family say Vincent Ryan will receive ‘traditional republican family funeral’

Vincent Ryan: described as a “staunch and honourable republican” who “held his beliefs until his death. Photograph: Collins/Courts.

The Garda is remaining vigilant ahead of the funeral of murder victim Vincent Ryan who was linked to the so-called Real IRA. However, fears that his funeral would witness a similar show of paramilitary strength to that seen 3½ years ago when his brother Alan Ryan was buried, after also being shot dead, eased over the weekend.

The family of Vincent Ryan, who was shot dead outside his partner’s house in Dublin last Monday, issued a statement on Saturday saying his funeral would not be a “military” service. They also appealed for no retaliation for the murder.

Mr Ryan, whose brother was a leading figure in the Real IRA in Dublin, was ambushed by a gunman as he sat in a car outside his partner's family home on McKee Road, Finglas.

In its statement, the Ryan family criticised media reports that the car he was in when killed was previously owned by a drug dealer as “false and misleading”. They said they had provided gardaí with documents relating to the purchase of the vehicle and the identity of the garage where the car was bought.


“Vincent, just like any other citizen who purchases a car in a garage, would not be aware of who the previous owners were,” they said.

The family also contested reports alleging Mr Ryan (25) had been questioned in relation to the provision of AK47 machine guns used in the Regency Hotel attack last month and said the allegation "is totally without foundation".

Describing Mr Ryan as “a staunch and honourable republican” who “held his beliefs until his death,” the family said he had not reported back to the IRA following his release from prison.

Since his release, he had "solely been concerned with building his business as a barber and creating a family life with his partner Kelly and new born baby Phoenix and had stepped aside from involvement in republican activity". The family said he would receive "a traditional republican family funeral".

“For the avoidance of any doubt, he will not receive a military funeral. We would ask that the media and the State would allow us to bury him with honour and dignity. The family calls for no retaliation and for an end to the senseless violence being carried out on our streets by drug gangs,” the statement concluded.

He will be buried on Tuesday following Mass at Holy Trinity Church, Donaghmede, close to where he grew up.

Like his brother Alan, he is believed to have been killed by the same drug dealers the Real IRA in Dublin was trying to extort money from up to the time of his brother’s murder in September 2012.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times