Gardaí seek man in connection with ‘vicious’ Dún Laoghaire assault

Woman (25) sustained serious neck laceration during attack on Saturday afternoon

The scene near Dún Laoghaire pier on Sunday. Photograph: Dave Meehan

A 25-year-old woman who sustained serious injuries to her neck in an attack in Dún Laoghaire on Saturday was seen in the company of a man shortly before the incident, gardaí have said.

The woman, who is from the area and is of Malaysian descent, received a serious laceration to the neck and a wound to her hand during what was described as a “very, very vicious assault” near the seafront at Queens Road yesterday afternoon.

She was found at the scene by a passerby shortly before 3.30pm and was rushed to St Vincent’s Hospital where she received emergency treatment, and is now in a stable condition.

Gardaí say the area in which the attack occurred is accessible by steps down from the road and is reasonably secluded.


The victim was still conscious when she was found, and there was significant blood loss at the scene, according to investigating officers.

The woman had to be put into an induced coma upon arrival at the hospital due to the severity of her injuries and it is thought that the assault will have lasting implications, potentially for the rest of her life.

In a media briefing on Sunday, Supt Martin Fitzgerald from Dún Laoghaire Garda station said they are seeking to speak to a man who was seen in the company of the victim shortly before her ordeal.

CCTV footage captured the woman parking close to the Garda station at around noon on Saturday before making her way the short distance to Georges Street and the Dún Laoghaire Shopping Centre.

She was then seen in the Windsor Terrace/Queens Road area close to where the attack occurred at around 2.05pm, when CCTV stills showed her in the company of an unknown individual.

“On this occasion she was in the company of an Irish male described as being in late teens or early 20s. He may have been carrying a rucksack and was wearing dark clothing,” Supt Fitzgerald said.

Gardaí have appealed for the man in question to get in contact regarding the incident.

The scene of the attack was subject to forensic examinations by Garda technical teams, and the Garda sub aqua unit also searched the coastal area nearby but no weapon was found. The section of road has since been reopened.

Gardaí remain unsure as to the exact nature of the weapon used but are satisfied that the attacker committed the act with some form of “sharp implement” given the nature of the injuries inflicted.

No motive has yet been established for the assault, and it is so far being treated as an isolated incident.

An incident room has now been established in Dún Laoghaire Garda station, and it is believed all the resources of a murder investigation are being directed to the case.

Gardaí say they will begin to collect further CCTV footage over the coming days, and have appealed to anyone who may have a dashcam recording from their vehicle to contact Dún Laoghaire Garda Station on 01 666 5000 or the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111.

The victim is described as being 5 feet 2 inches in height and is of a slim build with long black hair. She was wearing a "very distinctive" beige trenchcoat at the time along with blue denim jeans, black and pink Nike runners/boots, and was carrying a large brown leather shoulder bag.

Local Fine Gael councillor Barry Ward said people in the area were as much surprised as they were shocked to hear of the seemingly random act of violence.

“People I have spoken to are surprised and shocked, it’s not the kind of thing you would expect in Dún Laoghaire,” he said.

“I really hope and presume that it’s not indicative of a trend and that it’s an isolated incident.”