Garda Ombudsman to review RTÉ radio documentary about whistleblower

Retired garda made serious claims of breaches of discipline and criminality

The Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission was asked by Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan to review the radio programme. Photograph: Matt Kavanagh.

The Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (GSOC) is to review a radio documentary broadcast by RTÉ last weekend to determine whether one of two Garda whistleblowers at the centre of the penalty points controversy should be investigated.

Former garda John Wilson, who is retired, made serious claims of breaches of discipline and criminality in the broadcast.

The programme was studied by Garda investigators last week, after which Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan wrote to the ombudsman. He expressed his concern at the allegations contained in the documentary, suggesting the ombudsman review the material.

That letter was received in the ombudsman's Dublin office last Wednesday, the day before the commissioner faced five hours of questioning before the Oireachtas Public Accounts Committee on the penalty points issue.


The Irish Times understands the commissioner told GSOC in his correspondence that he did not feel the Garda could investigate these issues given Mr Wilson was at the centre of a whistleblowing case.

It was unclear when the ombudsman would determine whether Mr Wilson should be investigated or questioned.

Mr Wilson, a 50-year-old married father of three who lives in Co Cavan, was interviewed at length on the Documentary on One programme broadcast last Saturday week. He spoke about his life in the Garda, the penalty points issue and other forms of alleged corruption. He said early in his career a "prominent politician" had telephoned him to ask him to "look after" a summons on behalf of a woman working for the politician.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times